Civil Engineer vacancy in Calgary Canada

3000+ $
Canada (Calgary)
Agency Atkinson Construction Canada
Atkinson Construction Canada

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on layboard since 21.05.2022

Contact person: Mr Burke Atkinson Owner
Phone number: +1(971)385-1789
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Contact person: Mr Burke Atkinson Owner
Phone number: +1(971)385-1789
Civil Engineer

Civil engineers perform various functions depending on their area of specialization. Engineers may specialize in one of the following areas: construction engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, and transportation engineering.

Here is a typical civil engineer job description, comprising tasks, duties, and responsibilities commonly associated with the role:

Perform preparation of design specifications
Incorporate special features which relate to the project at hand into specifications. These include order of work, physical conditions at the site, construction work schedules, method of payment and measurement, construction procedures and special methods, and coordination with contractors and other stakeholders
Perform technical review on specifications to ensure clarity, completeness, and exactness, and to remove restrictive descriptions so as to ensure competitive bidding
Prepare project for advertisement by compiling contract specification into Electronic Bid Set (EBS)
Visit proposed project site to obtain necessary information for use in creating project specification. This include condition and location of project site, location of storage and staging areas, and character and scope of work
Provide guidance and technical advice to various persons and departments, including engineering personnel, Branch Chief, Section Chief, Engineering and Construction Department, and Architect-Engineer firms where necessary to develop basic specification procedure and policies to cover new types of projects and structures, and to make clearer various phases of the construction work
Communicate with higher authorities on issues concerning specifications, engineering interpretations and explanations, supply of items, and items of work, and offer recommendations on reviewing specifications.

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valid through: 2022-07-05

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on layboard since 21.05.2022

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