AdStart Media vacancies

Company type: Direct employer

The contact person: Recruitment Team

Singapore, Singapore, 160 Robinson Road #14-04 Singapore 068914, Singapore

+842873009181, +842873009181

: UEN 201718218G

About company:

Views 93
Jobs 3
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0

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AdStart Media
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Singapore, Singapore, 160 Robinson Road #14-04 Singapore 068914, Singapore


  • Sales Manager (Fulltime, remote)

    Stores - Purchases - Procurement
    Agency AdStart Media

    1000 -3000 $

    Bulgaria (Sofia)

    Join our team as a Sales Manager in Europe and take your career to the next level. You will report directly to the Head of Operations and lead the process of finding, building, and closing profitable deals for the company. You will enjoy a dynamic experience that will challenge your skills, supp...
    Agency  AdStart Media
    AdStart Media

    Direct employer

    Experience required
    English speaking jobs
    For all
    Remote job
  • 1000 -3500 $


    We're seeking an adept Product Owner who will be responsible for the in-house mVAS product planning and execution throughout the entire product life cycle, including but not limited to: gathering and prioritizing product and customer requirements, defining the product vision, and working closely...
    Agency  AdStart Media
    AdStart Media

    Direct employer

    Experience required
    English speaking jobs
    For all
    Remote job
  • Sales Manager (Fulltime, remote)

    Stores - Purchases - Procurement
    Agency AdStart Media

    1000 -3000 $

    Bulgaria (Sofia)

    Join our team as a Sales Manager in Europe and take your career to the next level. You will report directly to the Head of Operations and lead the process of finding, building, and closing profitable deals for the company. You will enjoy a dynamic experience that will challenge your skills, supp...
    Agency  AdStart Media
    AdStart Media

    Direct employer

    Experience required
    Full time job
    English speaking jobs
    For all