kaaj fazel reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: mohsen jabbari

Pakistan, islam abad

+44-77-0031-2016, +44-77-0030-2016

About company:

Views 103
Jobs 1
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
kaaj fazel
(Reviews: 0)

Pakistan, islam abad



Interested to be part of an internatrional trade holding? 

- work for a trade enterprise with 600 employees. 

- learn every thing there is to know in the world of export and import.

- earn a monthly salaray

- enjoy the commision that comes with every contract. 

kaaj fazel reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: mohsen jabbari

Pakistan, islam abad

+44-77-0031-2016, +44-77-0030-2016

About company:

Views 103
Jobs 1
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0

Interested to be part of an internatrional trade holding? 

- work for a trade enterprise with 600 employees. 

- learn every thing there is to know in the world of export and import.

- earn a monthly salaray

- enjoy the commision that comes with every contract. 

☎: +44-77-0031-2016 ✉: [email protected]