Sharq Consultants Agency reviews

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Sharq Consultants

India, Coimbatore, No 702Esteem Complex,,Avinashi Raod Anna salai,Coiambatore


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Sharq Consultants
(Reviews: 0)

India, Coimbatore, No 702Esteem Complex,,Avinashi Raod Anna salai,Coiambatore


Shrouq Consultants, we have the pleasure of introducing ourselves as one of Qatar's leading overseas recruitment consultancy in Qatar. We act as a gateway to provide a wide range of Overseas Manpower Recruitment services across a vast array of various industries, including few corporates. We have a good strength of vibrant youngsters with full of zest and driven by the urge to succeed and be the best. Our team members are the biggest asset of our organization. Their experience and knowledge have been the strengths that have given us an edge over the other manpower, travel service provider in the industry.

☎: +91(9363)633-686 ✉: [email protected]