Work abroad reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Taher Hassan

Egypt, Cairo, Cairo

+, +201000677426

VAT: 01120754115

About company:

Views 65
Jobs 1
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0
Work abroad
(Reviews: 0)

Egypt, Cairo, Cairo



We provide you with work all over Egypt we have animation kids and short we have house service cleaning , ironing , child care all payment with dollars salary start from 400 until 1000 dollars we provide with ticket sometimes we take all nationalities we take from Philippine we take from Russia from ukraina we take all English is a must language you must know how to talk with English very good

Work abroad reviews and vacancies

Company type: Agency

The contact person: Taher Hassan

Egypt, Cairo, Cairo

+, +201000677426

VAT: 01120754115

About company:

Views 65
Jobs 1
Subscribers 0
Reviews 0

We provide you with work all over Egypt we have animation kids and short we have house service cleaning , ironing , child care all payment with dollars salary start from 400 until 1000 dollars we provide with ticket sometimes we take all nationalities we take from Philippine we take from Russia from ukraina we take all English is a must language you must know how to talk with English very good

☎: + ✉: [email protected]